H-72 H Series Hardwood Husky Handles 1 1/8" Diameter

Price: $101.76
H-72 H Series Hardwood Husky Handles 1 1/8" Diameter are made of finished hardwoods coated with acid resistant acrylic! The end is threaded with a large "HUSKY" poly tip for long thread life. Screws into all RoMix brush heads. Costs a little more, but last longer. 6 Foot Length. Priced Per Dozen.
  Product ID H-72
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H-72 H Series Hardwood Husky Handles 1 1/8" Diameter are made of finished hardwoods coated with acid resistant acrylic!

The end is threaded with a large "HUSKY" poly tip for long thread life. Screws into all RoMix brush heads. Costs a little more, but last longer. 6 Foot Length. Priced Per Dozen.
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