Krete-Klean Heavy Duty Concrete Cleaner, 55 Gal Drum

Price: $268.02
"KRETE-KLEEN" Heavy Duty Concrete Cleaner is a concentrated formulation of hi-tech specialty detergents that cleans and removes dirt, rust, stains, efflorescence, oil, grease, etc...

KRETE-KLEEN is perfect for aggregate exposure, surface retarder removal, and surface preparation for many toppings and coatings.
  Product ID Krete-Klean
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"KRETE-KLEEN" Heavy Duty Concrete Cleaner is a concentrated formulation of hi-tech specialty detergents that cleans and removes dirt, rust, stains, efflorescence, oil, grease, etc...

KRETE-KLEEN is perfect for aggregate exposure, surface retarder removal, and surface preparation for many toppings and coatings.
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